3 Mart 2011 Perşembe

Ex and the City

Welcome back everyone to the city lights, bad student apartments, work overload- long story short; spring semester. I have realized that it has been a long while since I logged into the blog. Now, after a long pause here is what I have been up to. Winter break as wonderful as it was- is unfortunately over. That means getting back to reality and dealing with the tough situations caused by the irresponsibility during the break.

I thought I'd make a guide list for damage control:
1. Do not miss the add/drop week. You do not want to be stuck in a class that you have no hope of passing. If it's a core class, well- hopefully you will be able to find  a legal way to get a D.

2. Try to go to bed early! Since we haven't really been sleeping at nights, it is going to be tough to get back on track.- I should also follow this one-

3. There is no such thing as:' It's the first week, I'm sure the classes are cancelled. Guys, come on that's not even wishful thinking. That's simply ignoring the painful fact that it's school time and you do have classes.

4. If you had already made a resolution list, try to follow it. Self respect, people! If you had not, don't do it. You are never going to follow that.

5. If you have a complicated relationship status that got a lot more confusing over the break, let it go. It's spring time, it's having fun time and you never know what's around the corner.

6. If you want to be in good shape for spring and fight the spring fever, get a job. Yes you can do it both, and if you are lucky enough to find a job in your area of interest- well, there is absolutely nothing like it.

7. Summer is on its way, so eat well and fresh. You do not have to rush anything. So, quit eating fast food and try to exercise- I should definitely hang this one over my bed.

8. Learn to care! Yes, do it somehow. We are lucky enough to see people making history. Follow the news and make up your own mind on what's going on. So, yes. Sapere Aude!

9. If you are even remotely close to being talented, get in touch with your artistic side. Especially if you feel like you do have a lot to express. Sing, dance, act, paint whatever. It does feel good at this time of the year.

10. Courage. Be courageous enough to take risks that you did not last semester. You know it's not a class you can take later on. Do not postpone anything on anyone else's account.

Well, this list can go on forever but I have a job, school work overload and a dancing session I have to get to later tonight. So, keep up the good spirits- it is spring time after all.

1 yorum:

  1. quiet nice but i dont think that people can read your blog. so whats the point of writing?
